This is an amusing anime about a young man who reincarnated into another world as Cain after dying while doing a good but pointless deed. As a kind of reward for his good deed his new home resembles a fantasy place of swords and magic with beings such as elves and orcs. A place this young man dreamed of. Because the gods running this world want him to defeat a god of evil Cain they made him absurdly overpowered. He also ascends through the ranks of nobility and attracts girls at an insane pace. In fact, his whole new world seems a lot like a well meaning imaginative insecure young man's power fantasy if you ask me and likely there was no reincarnation at all. It would explain basically everything. Also, there is some sloppy CGI and whoever came up with names seems to have picked them at random. I am giving this show a much higher score than it deserves for being highly entertaining imho.