Corona Dhavan is a 2023 Malayalam comedy film directed by C. C. Nithin and starring Lukman Avaran, Sreenath Bhasi, Sarath Sabha, and Johny Antony. The film revolves around a group of alcoholics who struggle to find alcohol during the COVID-19 lockdown.
The film is a well-made and entertaining comedy that accurately captures the plight of alcoholics during the lockdown. The performances are all excellent, with Lukman Avaran and Sreenath Bhasi standing out in particular. The film is also well-written and directed, with a tight script and some hilarious scenes.
One of the things that makes Corona Dhavan so enjoyable is its realism. The film doesn't shy away from the darker aspects of alcoholism, but it does so in a way that is both honest and humorous. The film also does a good job of capturing the sense of community and camaraderie that exists among alcoholics.
Overall, Corona Dhavan is an excellent comedy film that is sure to entertain viewers of all ages. It is a must-watch for fans of Malayalam cinema, as well as for anyone who enjoys a good laugh.