What bugs me about this show is it's so-called nerds. It seems nowadays that what passes as nerds are whiny little idiots that go out of their way to look and act weird and freaky then whine and cry about being socially rejected. If I had a chance I'd love to tell these brats a thing or two. Not long ago being a nerd wasn't something you'd ever brag about. It wasn't a title you'd willingly apply to yourself. And it had nothing to do with having pink hair or prattling on about useless comic book trivia. Not long ago being a nerd meant getting the hell beaten out of you because you preferred reading over playing ball. It meant getting the hell beaten out of you because you were deemed too skinny or too fat or too freckled or whatever else some jock douche decided was uncool at any particular point in time. To me, watching any of these twits being crowned king of the nerds would be a little like Rosa Parks watching Will Smith being crowned king of the civil rights movement. Maybe not the best analogy but you get my point. These are kids who go out of their way to not fit in then whine about not fitting in. In my day being a nerd meant doing whatever you could to avoid attention and fly under the radar to avoid someone noticing that Tolkien book in your hands and beating the crap out of you or doing some other humiliating thing to make you feel like you just want to die. These kids act like weirdos then cry when they're not voted prom queen. I guess it's nice to see nerds getting some positive attention these days, but for those of us who were nerds back when being a nerd meant facing serious abuse and humiliation, this show seems worthy of a major eye roll.