This student animation is about a character who has grown up with challenges. We flashback through his life to see incidences of bullying, rejection and other such minor hurts. Years later when the character receives a friend request from a woman who was responsible for some of these hurts, it causes his folded in composure to start to show signs of strain and cracking.
This bright and simple animation is not only visually creative but it is an intelligent narrative too. The animation is full of color and uses nice touches to show pressure building up over time; I liked the -14 years, +2 years etc device to skip through time but show us what is happening. The narrative is simple but his stress and anti-social impatience comes out cleverly and is nicely shown in the chaos of color and changes to his head which are seen to be internal but are externalized for the viewer. Although his fate is perhaps exaggerated, it is surprisingly touching and well handled when it comes at the end.
It is not magnificent but it works very well and I really enjoyed how well it presented the story with invention and color in the animation and a surprisingly amount of heart when the ending comes.