It had been over a year since Jason Statham released a solo film. Which feels like a long time considering he comes out with about 5 films a year. Being a fan of his films, I was looking forward to sitting back on a Friday night and enjoying watching Statham do what he does best and thats kick ass. I was disappointed because the movie didn't really deliver on what I had expected. I do like his non pure action films like Snatch, Lock Stock, Bank Job, Redemption, but this film doesn't have anything to stand out in terms of story or action. The cast also looked promising and acting from Statham isn't bad either but doesn't save it from being just plain old boring and average. Overall,ranks as one of his average/mediocre movies like Chaos and Killer Elite. although the first half of the movie has promise and admitingly has some good fight scenes. It falls off by the middle and by the end doesn't hold your interest and isn't a satisfying action film or drama. If your a fan of his films and are looking for action, you'd be better off watching Safe, Expendables I/II, Transporter,Crank Homefront or many of his other better movies.