This movie is highly recommended to all fans of slasher movies, just like myself. I have to say that I was very surprised to see a movie like this coming out of Germany. It doesn't look like a German production. But German movies have surprised me a few times lately. I don't want to spoil the story, otherwise I giving away to much.
The design of the killer is outstandingly good, a monk with an iron mask and the most awesome weapon I have ever seen in a slasher movie. (Well maybe except from Freddy Krueger's claw) The location will give you the creeps. This I can promise. The monastery, where the story is set, is nearly like an own character in movie and adds a lot to the creepy, dark and Gothic atmosphere. It reminds me on the spooky Edgar Wallace movies from back in the days. And the cinematography knows exactly, how to use this location to build up tension.
I was very entertained the whole way through. The movie brings a fresh new killer, which may could become the next iconic killer to the genre. The whole movie was more in the spirit of these classic horror movies anyway. You know like Halloween, Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elmstreet. I can see, why Fangoria presented the movie.
It is always great to see Lance in a horror flick but he needed a bigger part in this. This is the only thing I truly regret. I mean his character is important to the story but he is only in a couple of scenes. The other actors are mostly unknown. But I will keep watching what will happen in the future with Nicolai Tegeler, who played Lukas in the movie. He delivered an incredibly performance and I was wondering, why I haven't seen him in any other movies so far. Hazuki Kato should be mentioned as probably the hottest thing in SIN REAPER. The lead is played by a British actress named Helen Mutch and she was a very good choice for her character Samantha. The chemistry between her and Lance, who played her fatherly friend and psychologist, just works. The other actors are doing more or less a decent job, too.
All in all, an enjoyable and atmospheric horror flick with lots of cool elements, a very memorable killer.