Plot of the movie is quite familiar and very much predictable(as per shown in promos)...
Plot :A superstar (Bipasha)is at the verge of her downfall, she wants to seek revenge on the New rising star (Esha). She chooses the path of evil(Black magic). A director(Emraan) who is under her debt and is in "Love" with her helps in doing this.
Note: Trust me, what follows next is very much predictable and like every other movie of this kind. So we see the movie only to know how it is Executed!!!
I Liked : Few shots(2/3) in first half which were quite scary, like suddenly some weird face appears on screen. Bips-Imran scene where she convince him to help her(Far better than Jism2).Bipasha Basu's acting was quite convincing and enjoyable(Compared to other actors), but cannot be even compared with RAAZ.
I "Laughed" and "Cried" at Times Because of : Plot holes. There were many places where whatever was going on Looked childish and ridiculous. The Other world "Aatmaon ki dunia" is not at all convincing, we don't get to know what this world exactly is...When Bips decides to kill Esha we get to hear a dialog as dump as,"Satana/Tadpana to SHAITAN ke hathon me hai par maut BHAGWAN ke hathon me" (Then how come that Atma was able to kill Maid and Priest). Bipasha has to "****" that Atma to provide him strength to kill Esha!!! It was really very Ridiculous and towards end Bipasha is shown breaking the door with a single kick, and kills the doctor(She would have killed Esha instead anyways she became a murderer!!! LOL )... Even the dialogs are damn dumb(You can really enjoy passing comments on them if watch this one with group). At places Emraan's character don't react at all... At one place we see, a person next to Esha is cut into Head and body... She screams and a ZERO expression Emran says "Calm down!!! lets go from here." as if its regular for him to see all this.
There are many more places where we think 'What the crap is going on!!!'.Some dialogs are really weired and ridiculous. End is not very convincing. Overall unlike RAAZ this movie has nothing to live up to the name "RAAZ3" and "Bhatt camp" movie.