"How to Survive a Plague" is a gripping documentary that tracks down the chronological history of HIV and AIDS, from its onset in the early 80's to today. During the 80's, it was actually a plague killing millions of people. The documentary focuses on two advocacy groups ACT and TAG, and their tireless work for decades to persuade U.S. governments to allocate more funds for AIDS research and medicine. Their efforts helped turn AIDS from a fatal disease to a manageable condition. This documentary might be hard to survive through; not because of any inadequacy but because of the frightful scenes showing how many young people with bright futures died from AIDS. Director David France proficiently exhibits the work of ACT and later TAG from its very beginnings, and then finalizes it showing several ACT & TAG members today in how they were able to survive AIDS. These brave & honorable men practically saved their own lives with their advocacy efforts, and that is one ACT that if hard to follow. OK, now TAG, you are it. Because it is your turn to get educated with France's love letter to ACT & TAG with a "How to Survive a Plague" viewing. **** Good