This Movie is about three teenagers who go on a wacky adventure with sex and other wacky junk. The idea has been done before but in most movies they feel really scripted, here the vibe is a lot more real. Like it has that feeling that videos you made in high school with your friends have.
It works because the kids are really funny. They have a lot of Jokes based in being too young to understand things, sex jokes, quick jokes, and a lot of dry wit. There are not any corny jokes. The situations fall into that 'woah look how crazy this is' sort of hangover style Junk. But even if a thing they are doing feels unrealistic or edgy just to be edgy, it works because the dialogue is so funny.
The movie kinda looks bad visually. It looks like it was made by amateurs (it was) So If you need your movies to have great cinematography to enjoy them, you wont like this. The editing for a few parts is a little sloppy or loose which can make it drag here and there. I never stopped being aware of the look, it didn't keep me from enjoying it but it might bug other people.
There's a subplot about the school security guard. There is supposed to be a tension with his character that he might harm the main characters, they were getting at that but I never really thought they were in danger, also these subplot parts with the guard are just kinda fine. They are not really funny they are just OK. I thought it was funny that the movie doesn't tell us what happens to the guard at the end, like who cares movies over.
Overall I enjoyed the hell out of the movie. It's pretty clear that if the guys who made this get a real production crew and some money they'll make some amazing stuff. It's a very funny, energetic movie with jokes and scenarios you've probably not seen before and in the end nothings really taken too serious. If you love Superbad you'll love this. See it.