I guess the first episode was alright. Maybe it will get better but I can't help comparing this show to north of 60. And compared to north of 60...well it doesn't really compare. Where are all the native actors? I saw Adam Beach and a few minor characters. I realize north of 60 was set in a small town but the cast was overall native and I liked that. There was also better chemistry between the actors. I don't like the main girl. She doesn't seem very real and her lines sounds a bit forced. The first episode was very predictable and a little boring. I was really hoping for something to rival north of 60, something really original. This show feels like an americanized attempt at something original and Canadian. I didn't feel that when I watched it. I hope it gets better, it has a lot of potential, I love Adam Beach but it feels fake. I feel like the rest of the characters really don't match up.