Top-notch Dutch thriller. Story involves Eva, a first-year veterinary student and aspiring actress. Just after moving into a new apartment, she finds herself captured and chained to a cot by a nameless/faceless abductor.
And that's really all you can say about the plot without giving too much away. The story kept me surprised all the way, and I've seen hundreds of thrillers. Every time you think you've settled in and know where it's going, it makes a twist, and every one of them makes perfect sense within the context of the film. The acting (especially from leads Carolien Spoor and Dragan Bakema) is solid and believable and this is an outstanding thriller from beginning to end.
And just to make clear for those who might make assumptions based on my limited synopsis -- although it does involve someone trapped, this is in absolutely no way part of the "Torture Porn" genre (although I hate that name, you all know what I mean). Not in any way, shape or form.
Overall, "Claustrofobia" is a superior thriller and definitely worth seeking out. Apparently, this was originally an on-line film, but it's available on DVD from Amazon with clear, removable subtitles.