This Lifetime Movie Channel has a very pregnant woman involved in a murder investigation as her husband is accused of murdering another very pregnant woman. Despite the fact that they have known each other since they were children, she seems to have no trouble believing the other woman was his mistress, that the baby was his, that he stabbed both to death, moved the body to where it could not be found, then put the murder weapon and her bloody dress in their trash for pickup in a few days.... until her neighbor gets her head bashed in while her husband is in custody, at which point she decides that the police are wrong and she goes off to investigate on her own.
This revelation takes place about two-thirds of the way through the movie and after that it becomes a decent enough bit of private-citizen-out-investigates-the-cops. Unfortunately, by the time this happened, not only had I figured out the solution to the mystery, but I was thoroughly disgusted with the way the lead was written. I stuck around to the end, but only to marvel at the obvious issues of the movie. As is all too typical for these LMN TV-movies, it all turns into a woman-at-risk piece, shot in low light levels for that air of lurking paranoia.
The structure of the traditional murder mystery is that society and the individual are dealt a terrible blow by murder, but that solution and punishment of the criminal work mightily to mitigate that. As the form evolved and matured, it came to recognize that there is no going back. However, this movie is simply pandering to paranoia.
I should note that actors involved do a fine job. It's just a pity that they couldn't have done so with a less loathsome script.