This brilliantly conceived and executed documentary film tells the story of disadvantaged but ambitious and talented young Latino people who are working hard to create a meaningful and rewarding future for themselves through the sport of boxing. With great sensitivity and understanding, Justin Frimmer, the film's producer, director, and writer, opens a window into a world I never knew existed, a thriving subculture in which these young boxers, some beginning at the age of seven or eight, with full support from their families and from their communities, are trained by professional trainers and coaches in well equipped facilities. The focus is twin brothers and their quest to participate in the Olympics, a captivating story presented with striking clarity and insight well supported by illuminating commentary from well respected boxing trainers and network news sports reporters in a well-paced, hard-hitting, and thoroughly engaging film. Although this is Mr. Frimmer's first major film, the film craft is creative and thoroughly professional from the framing of the segments to the solid and informative narration to the well chosen music and effective sound track. "Born and Bred" is an uplifting and stirring film well worth seeing! I came away inspired and wanting to know more about the people and the amazing world in which they live.