Pest exterminator Zeca (Dinarte de Freitas) is setting roach traps in a laboratory when he knocks over a vial containing a strange liquid, getting the goop all over his hands as he mops it up. Back at home, Zeca blows his nose, throwing the tissue into a waste paper basket before going to bed. In the morning, he discovers that his snot has evolved into a slimy and toothy green monster with a big appetite, a much larger pest than he is accustomed to dealing with.
The makers of Portuguese horror/comedy short Blarghaaahrgarg are clearly enthusiastic horror fans having some fun, so its hard to be too critical, but there are definitely a couple of areas where the film could have been improved. Firstly, the pacing: almost half of its 14 minute running time is devoted to setting up the basic scenario, which is way too long—not nearly enough of interest happens in these seven minutes (the whole intro regarding the rats could have been deleted without any great loss). Secondly, the design of the monster is weak. While I realise that the budget was probably virtually non-existent, surely they could have built something a little more inspired than a shapeless green blob with a mouth (that looks like it's made from cardboard boxes covered with chicken wire, papier-mâché and KY jelly).
On a more positive note, the performances, editing and direction are all fine, and the music over the closing credits is fun.