You know something is off when the director has to tell you that he opposes war. Although I am not sure how exactly he is phrasing it. He still lives in Russia and the word war - well let's not get into politics, you can see with your own eyes what is going on (unless you live somewhere where you are being cut off from the news on the internet).
So while we are in a state of unrest, in a really weird time right now (Ukranians feel that even more so of course), it doesn't mean we have to ban or banish everything Russian. Some Festivals did just that, but not the Fantasy Filmfest in Germany. Which led us to watch this really very well made dark comedy about dysfunctional families.
There are quite a few things that are over the top here and yet (or njet?) this works quite the wonders. Suspend your disbelief, do not be too easily offended or triggered and the movie will be able to give you entertainment value with an excellent kid actor that I am certain we will hear more about in the future.