I found the description of this movie to be deceptive. The story is about a former comedian where something happened that derailed her life.
The description says PSTD but what this trauma event is it not immediately revealed. The movie spends the three quarters of the time dancing around something having happened.
The dialog tries to be hip about teenage topics but it is mostly just cringe. No cap.
Much of the story is told as flash backs interweaved into the present so such it's never really clear when anything is occurring until several beats into a scene. I found this all irritating and bad story telling.
The movie eludes to what may have happened and while it's possible to guess, it's makes it all the worse that they don't just say it.
Everyone in the movie knows what happened but we are left out of being shared the details. Conversations about the event happen over and over to the point of becoming fraying, like an inside joke that no one will explain to you until you start to wonder if the pay off will be worth it.
It won't.
This fake tension is bad story telling. There is a missing child and the description creates a narrative that this is a big part of the movie but it's simply not. Our main character spends most of the movie unconcerned about the child's whereabouts. Its only purpose is to provide an ending to an otherwise meandering mess of a movie.