Twenty-six years after Casper Van Dien fought alien bugs in Starship Troopers, he's back battling massive CGI critters in The Flood, only the special effects are a lot worse and, quite possibly, so is Van Dien's acting.
Van Dien plays convict Russell Cody, who, along with several other criminals, is being transported to a new prison during a hurricane; due to the weather, the prison bus is forced to take a detour to a nearby police station, where the cons are to spend the night. Meanwhile, a group of heavily armed baddies break into the station to try and free Cody unaware that some huge bulletproof alligators, displaced by the rising waters, have found a new home in the building...
The Flood has clearly been inspired by Alexandre Aja's Crawl, but director Brandon Slagle has neither the budget nor the talent to do the premise justice. His film features terrible writing and abysmal acting, and boasts digital effects that would shame a Playstation (even the rain is digital), but even more distracting than the bad CGI is the botox pout of female sheriff Jo Newman; I can't take her seriously as a tough cop when she looks like a duck.
2.5/10, rounded down to 2 for expecting the viewer to believe that a botoxed blonde could beat up muscle-bound convicts twice her size.