"About Him and Her" is a beautifully unique piece of art. It is experimental, but never exclusionary. It explores the space between intimacy and anonymity of relationships built outside of physical space. Even though it is a period piece, it is extremely timely as we exist in the digital age and are learning new ways to experience human connection. It also explores the fear of making relationships 'real', while desperately wanting them to be so. These two characters know everything about each other except for their names and what they look like. And so desperately want to let down their guards with the person they've fallen in love with, but fear rejection and fear the consequences of destroying the romantic view they have of each other.
Outside of the themes beautifully portrayed in this film, it truly is just a stellar piece of art to look at. Every frame is carefully crafted to feel intimate, but also impersonal letting the audience truly feel what the characters are undergoing. The acting is absolutely wonderful, visceral and authentic, without ever feeling overwrought. And the dialogue is rendered with such life like cadence that it feels completely believable, even with the absurdity of the characters never looking at each other.
A wonderful piece that should be watched by all lovers of a good romance.