This show is actually very well written and very accurate to how college campuses are now. As for the lack of representation on the college campus, and how white washed it is, that's because they are accurately showing what these elitist sororities and fraternities are actually like. The sarcasm and humor is great within each of the characters. The storylines are compelling. The people who are bad mouthing it clearly wanted a true retelling of a cult classic - but this show in no way tries to be the iconic movie, it draws inspiration from each of the OG characters and creates modern version of the archetypes in a college campus setting. And I actually enjoy the character development, if they had tried to just make a replica of 1999 cruel intentions it would be so unoriginal, and this version does a good job of creating and entirely different story. Incredibly entertaining. And the modern day cece is great, she's endearingly manic. Caroline's character is less of the conniving, unrelatable, yet iconic biotch she was in the movie and actually gets some backstory and I'm here for it. I love it and hope there is a second season.