"The Croods: Family Tree," premiered in 2021, is a spin-off series from the animated film "The Croods." The show follows the adventures of the Croods and their rival family, the Bettermans, as they attempt to coexist and learn from their differences.
One of the series' strengths is its animation style, which retains the charm and humor of the original film while introducing new elements. The characters, particularly Grug (voiced by Nicolas Cage) and Eep (voiced by Emma Stone), continue to be endearing, with their antics and interactions providing plenty of laughs. The show's humor often self-references the original film, acknowledging its success while pushing the story forward.
The voice acting is top-notch, with Cage and Stone delivering standout performances. The addition of new characters, such as the eccentric and inventive Guy (voiced by Ryan Reynolds), adds depth and variety to the cast. The show's pacing is well-crafted, balancing action, humor, and heartwarming moments.
However, the series' plot can feel somewhat predictable, with the families' journey often following a familiar pattern. The new setting and challenges they face don't always feel fresh or original. Additionally, some of the jokes may not land as well as they did in the original, leaving the show feeling slightly less impactful.
Overall, "The Croods: Family Tree" is a fun and entertaining spin-off series that will delight fans of the original film. It offers a mix of nostalgia and new adventures, with a strong focus on family dynamics and humor.
Rating: 7 out of 10.