Stumbling upon the 2022 movie "The Wendigo" by random chance here in 2024, and seeing it was a horror movie, of course I had to sit down and watch it. Sure, I was not familiar with the plot of the movie, though I was familiar with it being out there, I just didn't have the chance to sit down and watch it before now.
The movie wasn't off to a good start with the social media approach, as I absolutely dislike video-bloggers and all those narcissists filming themselves and calling it social media content. And that influencer character was insanely dislikable. And then the movie ventures off into questionable quality footage of people viewing the video that the influencer had streamed. This was just pathetic. So yeah, "The Wendigo" was not off to a great start.
I am amazed that the writers collectively could come up with such a dung heap as this turned out to be.
Of course I was not familiar with the actors and actresses on the cast list. I can't claim that I was impressed with what I witnessed, but truth be told then the performers had everything stacked against them, from the camera-work to this being 'found footage' rubbish.
"The Wendigo" is a hand-held shot movie, and that is truly abysmal. I dislike that a lot, especially because it feels like homemade crap that I could have filmed better myself with my digital video camera, and I can actually manage to carry a steady hand.
The camera is all over the place, since this is a hand-held 'found footage' movie. So you're not in for a grand cinematic experience here.
This is hands down a thoroughly through and through terrible movie. Needless to say that I couldn't muster the enthusiasm or will to endure 68 minutes of watching this rubbish.
My rating of director Jake Robinson's 2022 movie "The Wendigo" lands on a one out of ten stars.