"Sorry About The Demon" tells the story of a recently dumped screw up who moves into a haunted house with a very goofy demon intent on finding a human host.
I think someone's enjoyment of this movie will be completely dependent on how you feel about this movie's tone. It goes for laughs nearly every time you expect it to go for scares. It isn't scary, and it really isn't that funny but the jokes and wit are consistent throughout and I laughed out loud of a few times. I grew to like what they were going for, even though it needed better writing and characters to grab the brass ring. The effects were poor and it's poor production budget shows through at times but never took me completely out of the story due to the nature of the story. However if you go into this story wanting horror - you picked the wrong movie.
Overall I'm glad films like this can get made because they are different and fun, even though this film is just an average attempt at a horror comedy. I think it's worth a watch with the correct expectations and have some fun with it.