This is one train wreck of a show. Generally I give new shows three episodes before writing a review, but this show is so bad I won't be watching another.
Sara Silverman is no longer hot. She's looking middle aged. She dresses in a jump suit with too short legs as if she's working in maintenance.
Each "contestant" comes out and does a forced banter with Silverman that just produces cringe chills because its so clearly staged and produced. Then the animal does it's "trick." Most of them are downright cruel and probably can pass for animal abuse.
For example the woman who makes a 1700 pound giant camel, who is so frightened that it's peeing all over the place, crawl on it's knees, saying he's doing the "limbo."
I'm no fan of PETA, but where are they when this stuff is happening?
Then there is Silverman who claims she loves animals, but is completely clueless on how to handle them. Like the ball-rolling dog, the show's first contestant. She pets the dog on the head so hard she practically pokes his eyes out.
Honestly, this is the least entertaining and most cringe worthy show I have seen on TV in decades. It makes the Gong Show look like Macbeth.
Who put money up for this fiasco?