Werewolves is a prime example of a movie where the dialogue and acting completely derail any potential it might have had. From the very first scene, it becomes painfully clear that this film is weighed down by a script that is clunky, forced, and often downright cringeworthy. The dialogue feels like it was written by someone who has never heard a real conversation. Characters spout ridiculous one-liners and try to sound tough or witty, but the result is a mess of unnatural exchanges that only pull you out of the experience.
Unfortunately, the acting is just as bad, if not worse. Frank Grillo, usually a reliable actor, is completely hamstrung by the weak script. His delivery comes off as stiff and disconnected, and it's hard to believe he's actually invested in his character. The rest of the cast is equally unconvincing, with performances that range from awkwardly wooden to painfully over the top. There's no chemistry between any of the characters, and their interactions feel forced and lifeless.
I'm being generous with a 3/10 because the concept could've been fun and worked with better direction.