The acting is dull, one-note and stilted, the cinematography is amateurish, the script is awful, the editing appalling, the sound design distracting, and generally this movie sucks.
The plot is your standard Christian Fundamentalist martyrdom narrative, where the filmmakers are so deep into their culty mindset that they don't realise they've cast their protagonist in the role of Jesus Christ. Genuinely blasphemous stuff.
Genuinely, this is borderline unwatchable. Almost every scene drags its way through talentless actors lifelessly mumbling their way through appalling dialogue, apart from the numerous sweeping background shots that are clearly in the film because of how pleased the makers were that they got a nice camera drone.
The people involved have clearly seen a few movies, but have utterly failed to understand what makes a movie good. There's an attempt at a subplot with a character that's almost totally unrelated to the others, and which only seems to exist to patch over one of this movie's (many) gaping plot-holes.
It's barely worth a hate-watch. Guaranteed to be one of the longest one and a half hours of your life.