HEY EVERYBODY ITS ME, (4) and today we review .... my uncle ...the movie !!!! - .... get it .. hes a pig man .... oh who am i kidding im a fat pig too according to my wife .... and now i need to call my therapist again .... thanks movie ,,,
WELL here we are with another pigman movie and i dont mind i #1 love giant pig monster flicks .... like razorback , boar etc ....and also pig man hybrid movies ....or in general animal people hybrid movies ....so here we are .... SADLY this film doesnt offer up much new for an avid horror film watcher ..... maybe to your run of the mill casual film going who doesnt see alot of crazy weird or off the beaten path films sure this would probably be something special ..... so if your used to seeing horror films like "the conjuring " or tyler perrys bootoberween 5 " then this might blow your mind ....OTHERWISE naaa its pretty basic ..... following the standard format
group of kids ....the pot head, the a$$hole , the hot chicks, the boy friend girlfriend etc on a trip/going someplace / ending up someplace they shouldnt ..then attacked by monster / bad guys .... so story is same ol same ol on this one ....
the pig guys look good .... the design is simple and good because of it ...NOT a mask some guy is wearing but some genetic hybrid action so they did a solid job with the FX especially on the little guy...he looks great ...set design looks good .... all thats tight ...
DAY FOR NIGHT = TERRIBLE ...but i know how it goes .... lighting a night shot is rough ..and sometimes you cant help it ... BUT man it kills a flick sometimes to day for night it .... you just end up watching the movie through a pair of blue jeans .... its about that clear at times .... alot of the colour throughout the film was flat , ... d-saturated even ... maybe that was the look im not sure .... but the lighting was also pretty dark through out .....and it at times becomes a muddy mess ...kind of like my pants after a rough night at taco bell ....too much info ? ....
and finally .... the script ...was all of about 4 pages long then the 5th page just said .... scream, squeal, scream, squeal , wash rinse repeat ..... nothing "wrong" with that sometimes ..when you have astrong story to back it up that needs no talky talky to help move it along ... BUT when thats about all it is ... its gets a little redundant ...
SO final girl ...i mean verdict ....eh .. not bad .... not great ....just kind of middle of the road like a deer in headlights waiting to be splattened across highway 41 at 3 am in the morning by a drunk trucker named "big jimmy" ....