Beren Saat is clearly the heart and soul of this TV show. She is not just devastatingly beautiful, she is also a great actress. I am smitten with her. She is amazing in the role of Bihter, like it was written just for her. If you pay attention to her mimics, her gestures, her delicate face muscles. She expresses those deep emotions with such a precision. She is the Goddess of acting. Everything else fades. What Hollywood, what famous stars? Beren Saat. Period.
I would really like to see more movies or TV shows with Beren Saat in the leading role...
Yes, it's true, Ask-i memnu is not the best show ever, being cheesy sometimes. But all the emotion it evokes, all the passion, the sadness, you can feel it in your bones. Definitely worth watching at least once.