Just watched "Summer's Moon" - Non spoiler opinion follows; I wouldn't say this is a typical horror but it certainly was disturbing in parts - but it really depends on your mindset.... I found the 88 minutes pass pretty quickly which is usually a sign that I did enjoy the film. Looking back it had some good moments, kept my interest and had me say to myself a few times..."WTF". Definitely worth watching if you like survival horror/thriller type of genre's.
Having watched "Paranormal Activity" recently which has been hyped up to be one of the scariest films to date, which I don't agree with by the way, this was refreshing and reminded me as a cross between films such as "The Devil's Reject's, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Misery...... As you can see it takes a little from a wide range of movies. 7/10 perhaps! Oh and Ashley Greene is lurvely... ;o)