Boogie (2009) is an Argentinean animated film that I recently watched on Tubi. The storyline follows a vigilante for hire that destroys criminals, crushes copious women and doesn't care about making friends.
This movie is directed by Gustavo Cova (Rouge Amergo) and contains the voices of Pablo Echarri (The One), Jesús Ochoa (Quantum of Solace), Nancy Dupláa (Wild Tales) and Susana Zabaleta (All of Them).
The animation for this is excellent and very fun. The action scenes contain fantastic gore and the flying body parts are entertaining. The storyline is straightforward but works perfectly for the content. Boogie is a smuck and I was hoping something bad would happen to him the entire movie. As the story unfolds I adored the ending.
Overall this is definitely a worthwhile watch. I would score this a 6.5-7/10 and strongly recommend it.