It had some brief moments of entertainment, but overall it was Luke warm at best. The producers must've blown their budget on hiring Val Kilmer to fill some dead spots in the movie. Kilmer kind of walks through this movie and plays a dopey doc that wants these parasites to infest mankind just to make a point about global warming. Supposedly this movie takes place very cold (or somewhere in Canada.) Unfortunately, there isn't a lick of smoke we can see exiting their mouths in a supposed subzero climate. As a matter of fact, there was barely a drop of snow to be seen anywhere. Oh yeah, global warming. Throw in a bunch of 30 something year old grad students that are supposedly the most brilliant of their class and viola! LOL! Whoever the actress was that played Kilmer's daughter, should be given a Golden Turkey award for most pathetic portrayal of a confused daughter to a wacky mad scientist. I mean bad!! This movie delivers thrills for a buck at Red Box, but it's not worth a penny more.
The End.