"Like the Rain Falling" is an Indonesian dramatic post-teen film.
It is about a twenty-something boy who is in love with his best friend and suffers every time his heart is broken, while he looks for how to tell her how he feels about her, it also brings the story of a boy who falls in love with her.
It could easily seem generic to what we have always seen but the script turns into interesting moments.
Explore without preamble the fear we have of being hurt if we show our true feelings, the fragile self-esteem that we can have after love disappointments.
The script has clever sparkles.
Based on a book.
With very dramatic and well accomplished moments.
The leading roles are well done, the cast very little.
The narrative is in the first person.
An option to spend the afternoon.
Although the ending is predictable like all of the genre, the trip becomes interesting.