I love the show but I wish two people would meet an untimely death and those would be Jimmy Smith and Craig Rygaard. Talk about two of the stupidest and biggest pieces of ****! James Smith is a great kid and I sure rooted for him when he finally lost his temper with the old man and took a swing at him. Nobody else deserves having the crap beat out of them other than Craig Rygaard. Craig's stunts in trying to get rid of Dave, though he does need to grow up, is just childish. Dave just needs to throw Craig out of the seat and down the hill. Maybe we'll get lucky and a tree will fall on him. I do have to agree with some posts about Ax Men and disagree with some. Connor Aviation was interesting the first few episodes but it got boring shortly thereafter. There are only so many interesting episodes as they have to test and train new helicopter pilots, but one must give credit to the piloting skills of Connor's head pilot. I do have to disagree with comments of the Alaska and swamp loggers. Our family just loves the craziness that is Shelby Stanga. I don't think I've ever heard of someone who is willing to jump into a river full of alligators. I keep expecting to see a bunch of bubbles as some gator drags off Shelby for dinner.