The Year Between is a semi-autobiographical film written, directed and starring Alex Heller as a young woman who drops out of college after being diagnosed with bipolar disorder. She returns to her hometown and tries to cope with her condition while reconnecting with her family and friends. The film follows her ups and downs over the course of a year, showing how she deals with medication, therapy, relationships and self-discovery.
The film is a refreshing and realistic depiction of mental illness that avoids clichés and stereotypes. Heller gives a brave and nuanced performance as the protagonist, who is not defined by her disorder but by her personality, dreams and struggles. She is supported by a strong cast of actors who play her supportive parents, loyal sister, understanding boyfriend and quirky best friend. The film also has a warm and humorous tone that balances the drama and makes the characters more relatable.
The Year Between is a heartfelt and inspiring film that shows how one can overcome challenges and find happiness in life. It is a testament to the power of love, family and friendship in times of crisis.