It was such a light-hearted movie tackling important issues on interracial marriage/relationships in Singapore. One that many perhaps might deter from engaging a conversation with each other: the inner prejudicial and often, misunderstood classification that our society very much face in the community at large. The idealogy could perhaps passed on to generation and one might wonder, when will the stigma ends? Do we want our young Singaporeans to inherit a stigmatizing belief?
This movie higlighted it in a humourous manner with alot of reflection for their viewers. I believed Singapore is evolving and so does our local storytellers. We should be brave to lend a voice to issues that matters most. There is simply no room to whether it is a taboo topic to talk about. Singapore has changed and now, creating many platforms for several others to raise concerns regarding racial equality, interfaith, intrafaith and many other identity concerns for us as Singaporeans. Thus, the filmmakers would love you to reflect upon what is the meaning of racial equality and how do we practice it ?