Its hard to figure where to start, bad sound, bad acting, bad camera work...
It sounds like it was filmed in a garage.
The actors seem like they just learned their lines and are reading some of them. Wooden, stunted and dead spring to mind as adjectives to describe it. Personally it really annoys me when a movie tries to have a 'natural' conversation and the lines, as written, have one actor interrupting another in the middle of a sentence but when the first actor finishes their line it is seconds before the 'interruption' actually takes place!
The filming alternates between a tape-type camera like a cheap 70's TV show and a 70mm cinematic camera - it seems like they only had the 2. I suspect most of this was done in single takes, perhaps without a rehearsal first!
Then there's the plot. Hard to believe two friends grow up to be a drug dealer and a cop when they are still in touch on a regular basis, even after the guy graduates and becomes a beat cop - especially when the drug dealer is pushing kilos of cocaine. Seems like all the cops, except the one main character, are corrupt and / or racist (IMHO: often true on both counts) and half the criminals are basically good guys with hearts of gold (IMHO: not even close to reality) whose main crime is being persecuted by the man giving them no choice but to be hard-core criminals.
Lastly, the violence is all underplayed to the point of almost non- existence, no blood, no gore and no nudity, yet the content makes it inappropriate for children. I think the only sensible thing is to pass on this one as watching paint dry would be as entertaining and far less annoying, eh!