"To Kokkino Potami" AKA, "The Red River" is a stunningly done historical drama television series directed by Manousos Manousakis for OpenTV in 2019.
This series is a must watch historical drama masterpiece, based on the homonymous novel by Charis Tsirkinidis detailing the real events surrounding the Greek genocide,
The series follows the real-life story of a young couple from Pontos, a then Greek-populated region on the southern coast of the Black Sea during the 19th century.
This series painfully and historically accurate and sheds light on the past to the viewer regarding what happened during one of the most tragic times in history. The viewer connects with characters who stood up for themselves, who loved, who had faith and hope for a better future, never gave up and simply tried to survive.
The stunningly beautiful presentation of the scenes was achieved by the scenes that were full of emotion, and the beautiful music. The music had a way to sometimes give you hope and other times you would feel it so deeply it would bring you to tears. This series touches the viewers heart and soul, triggering a vast range of emotions in every single episode.100% recommended!