This series centers around Billie Piper as Suzie, and it seems there is very much of her own vita in it. Her youth as a Pop Star is just taken 1:1 into the story. Note that Billie Piper was once a really famous singer with several No.1 hits in the UK.
Here we learn what might happen when we read about the life and scandals of some bigger and smaller stars (or better, celebrities), and what impact that has on their lives, from their perspective.
Can that fill 8 episodes ? - Yes, with such a great cast, it can. But, it takes those 8 episodes to work out what is really going wrong. Or not.
It's not easy to follow Suzie's ways of being Suzie. Though the script is very thorough when it comes to describe situations and the inner state of Suzie or her friend Naomi, it misses in being similiar thorough about her husband and providing at least a small background how and why they came together, as different as they are. So, the husband isn't as far a complex character like Suzie, he is just "a husband". He doesn't adore her or really love her, I could not find any sign of that. And maybe that is why things happen as they happen here, but I tend to think that this is not the case.
As being said before, the show centers around Suzie, and it centers deliberately on her and indeliberately sometimes too much on itself.
So, 7 stars from me for Bllie herself, the other cast members, and the good production values, which make this all in all a good show, but not a great one.