I initially sat down to watch the 2020 horror movie titled "Ten Minutes to Midnight" because it was a horror movie that I hadn't seen already, and also because Wednesday 13 had it mentioned on his Facebook page. And of course with it being a horror movie, then I would eventually sit down to watch the movie.
And I must say that I like the movie's cover/poster, as it has a very nice atmospheric presentation of the movie to it, and there is just something very retro about it.
Now as for the movie itself, well... Sure, "Ten Minutes to Midnight" was watchable, but it was hardly a grand foray into the horror genre. For me the movie was just a bit too strange, with writers Erik Bloomquist and Carson Bloomquist approach to the storyline. It felt a bit too avantgarde, I mean with the things like switching the characters and actors/actresses around portraying them, and the general confusion that there was to the movie.
It wasn't all bad though, because there definitely were elements to "Ten Minutes to Midnight" that worked out well in favor of the movie. One of the most important of such elements was the 1980s horror movie feel that director Erik Bloomquist had managed to capture throughout the course of the movie.
As for a horror movie, then "Ten Minutes to Midnight" just didn't cut it - pardon the pun. The movie was just a bit too stale and mundane. Sure, it proved good enough for a single viewing, but that was about it. This is hardly a movie with the contents to support more than a single viewing.
My rating of the 2020 movie "Ten Minutes to Midnight" settles on a less than mediocre four out of ten stars.