This is a response to Mr.Cagney's "review" ,which basically called anyone who has ever written a negative review here an "uneducated" half-wit.You see,his main criticism was that people didn't watch the entire movie before critiquing it,and even if they did, they weren't in the cast or crew, and therefore were not entitled to speak on the subject.His comments led me to believe that he was an extra,or otherwise had some "inside" information entitling him to a sense of superiority over those not directly,no matter how insignificantly,involved in film-making.Furthermore,he postulates,that unless an opinion is specifically solicited,it should not be ventured.Ironically,he himself had not seen even a microsecond of the particular film in question,and so far from making an apology for his inconsistency,he boasts of it as a point of merit to his argument!
I guess I will have to state the obvious and school the illustrious thespian;There are too many movies around too see them all,therefore a means of FILTERING is required,thus-REVIEWS.We CAN'T rely on the cast and crew of these films to supply them,because of conflict of interest(did I have to say it?).As far as his unsolicited argument,a movie review blog is an IMPLICIT solicitation ,INDB does not have to individually e-mail it's membership requesting a review.Sorry to pontificate,but the arrogance of that guy disturbed my otherwise peaceful reading of the reviews.Keep it up,there are some good writers among you all.