När mörkret faller (When darkness falls) is disturbing, indeed it made me cringe several times, but I must recommend it to everyone. The issues of domestic violence, "honour related violence" and indeed the distortion of justice are far more commonplace than any of us would like to admit. Therefore this film serves a purpose well beyond entertainment.
It is also a very well made film, offering some realistic and gripping characters, played to perfection by a very strong cast mixing old and new talent. But one must single out the young newcomer, Oldoz Javidi (Leyla), for special praise. She was great.
The writers and writer/director Anders Nilsson also manages to stay away from the most blatant of stereotypes, and this is one of the key reasons why this film manages to hit home the message that many people live in fear but for many different reasons. All credit also to the way the film so easily slips in and out of the three different story lines without loosing the viewers - even though it offers almost too much information. But it still lands on the right side of the fence so go see it.