I love time travel films and persevered with this one longer than was wise for my sanity.
It started well decent initial effects, then there was a very odd stilted scene. The main character passes by 3 other boys in the school corridor by the lockers, all three of the boys lines were delivered as if someone was holding the script off camera. They were incredibly wooden and unbelievably bad actors. It immediately broke all sense of suspension of disbelief one expects from a film. Suddenly everything felt out of place and felt forced.
Then the scene shortly after with his dad at the fair, again more awful acting as if the actor had never delivered lines on camera before. Then a scene with the dad telling the main character why they moved and suddenly out of nowhere all sorts of religious references rammed into the plot in a most unusual and unbelievable way.
It was if the story was two completely different plots a sci-fi story with a let's stick some god stuff in for good measure and make it a "wholesome" film. Utterly nauseating rubbish.
I watched for another 10-15minutes but it became rapidly apparent that it was only going to get worse with random god comments thrown in at laughably bad moments adding nothing to the story and only serving to highlight that this was not a story but a "christian values" film trying to cram in bizarre messages during a sci-fi plot.
I don't know who on earth thought this was a good idea it was just unwatchable rubbish, do these people thing this will convince people who enjoy sci-if to turn to a christian god?? More likely it will make them even more convinced it's all nonsense.
In summary a sci-fi film that is meant to be about time travel turns out is about an extra terrestrial supernatural being who demands worship. Unwatchable rubbish avoid, literally do anything else.