While the format doesn't give much room for in-depth and technical explanation, but that's okay because that is not the purpose of this show, it does deliver on offering a new look at some mysteries that have haunted us for literally thousands of years.
DFT's infectious and enigmatic host, Josh Bernstein, takes the viewers on such adventures as the exploration of Homer's "The Iliad": did Troy really exist and did the epic war in ever happen? He braved blizzards and slept on a glacier in the Italian Alps to delve into the life, and mysterious death, of the 5,300-year-old mummy, Oetzi. He received a special viewing of coins at the Graeco-Roman Museum that were minted during Cleopatra's reign to get the bottom of her alluring beauty that bewitched both Julius Caesar and Marc Antony.
Not only does he dig up factual information, which may lead him all over the globe (250,000 miles so far he said in March 2006), of the topic but he tries to bring the experience of the time period to the viewers: to understand the life of Oetzi, he built a quinzhee (snow hut) and slept in it over night; he shot arrows and spears from a moving chariot to get a feel for Homer's Troy; and he took on an asp to understand its importance when Cleopatra chose it to take her own life.
Take a wild ride with Josh to who knows where you might end up
and what he might "dig up" about YOUR favorite mystery.
(Thanks B for your help!)