This reality show was on Saturday nights, the kiss of death for most reality shows. I actually caught the premiere episode and to my surprised I ended up liking it. And then without notice it was yanked off the CBS schedule never to be seen again.
I admit that on first sight the show didn't look all that great. After all, the cast looked like a bunch of hicks out of Hootersville. But with any reality show you get involved, and this one was no exception. I've since forgotten the names of everyone (it's been three months), but there were some pretty interesting characters, including the rancher's wife who was hot, and the rancher's son who was the black sheep of the family, so to speak, yet he had his supporters in the cast.
What I would like to know is why networks go to the trouble of filming a reality show, investing all that money and time, then deciding it isn't good enough because of ratings so they yank it off. Fox has a habit of doing this with their reality shows (i.e. "Playing It Straight," "My Big Fat Obnoxious Boss").
Hope CBS will change their mind and give this show a chance.