I don't even recall what prompted me to record this program. I normally don't even look at shows outside of Comedy Central and the History Channel. Well, I recorded it, but I didn't even watch it until a week later. Based on the reviews here, I wonder if the show has any buzz going for it.
This show needs some positive reviews, the existing positive reviews are most likely shill reviews, and the negative reviews don't do the show justice. Now, the episode I watched was about the making of the movie Mukashi Code, and I think they held the balance between what the actors will accept and what would give the joke away. Basing the movie on a crazy Japanese show gives them a lot of leeway to create ridiculous, but just barely plausible, situations.
I agree with the reviewer who said they talk too much to the viewer about how funny everything is, and how "they aren't making a movie, they are faking a movie". They probably do this because the show is new and they want to make things clear to viewer, and maybe hammer home a tag line.
Oh, and Chris Wylde looks like some Chris Eliot/Jake Busey mutation. He does think he is hilarious, and while he isn't, he is good in his role.
For a nice twist in the series, and to keep things fresh, they should involve the previously pranked actors to play roles in upcoming episodes.