Oh, Republicans in Hollywood. How I feel for them, always surrounded by people who didn't vote for a man who strived for a Constitutional amendment to ban gay people from being married. If only they could feel more accepted around people who find it repulsive for them to have voted for that man, who spent $10 billion a month on a war with the same lack of validity as Vietnam, a war purposely sustained by another Republican. I know Republicans. I know a beautiful family of them. And Clint Eastwood is one. They are not innately bad people, but they seem incapable of acknowledging the big picture.
Beautiful Patricia Heaton points out in this moot documentary that Liberals are hypocrites because they claim to fundamentally stand for inclusiveness and acceptance yet they don't seem to have a lot of tolerance for pro-life people. Well, maybe Conservatives are hypocrites because they claim to be so protective of unborn babies but they are actually proud to send hundreds of thousands of young people to suffer, languish and die, even when it means voting for the same people who deny gays and lesbians over 1,000 rights that everyone else in America has.
There is a segment documenting a Christian screen writing lab in Hollywood where screenwriters and telewriters collaborate to exercise their agendas to adjust the media output with which they're involved to suit Christian fundamentalist values. They are interviewed, claiming to be condescended by the masses and to feel like a minority. Christians the minority?
Interviewees like Heaton, Ben Stein, Pat Sajak, Drew Carey, John Milius, the infamously unhinged Vincent Gallo and others don't see the privilege they have, an obscured daypack of exclusive supplies, maps, permission, convention, authorization, and blank checks. (If you didn't understand that last sentence, you're probably not a minority. And if you are a minority, you're probably not a Republican.) They are unconscious of who they oppress when they vote and, in some cases, run for office. They live in a town run by an industry where so many powerful figures are Jewish or gay or both. If you expect to be paid your multi-million- dollar asking price every time you work for someone you subjugate every time you vote, how can you expect them to like your political views? Maybe now you know what "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" feels like.