US 102m, Colour Director: Brett Wood; Cast: Jane Bass, Bryan Davis, Veronika Duerr, Sandra L. Hughes, Ted Manson, Daniel May, Rob Nixon, Lisa Paulsen, Daniel Pettrow, Rachel Sorsa
Named after Richard von Krafft-Ebing's infamous 1886 "medical text" of the same name, Psychopathia Sexualis is a documentary-style narrated period re-enactment based on hundreds of late nineteenth century case studies of sexual behaviour. Once considered authoritative, these clinical writings are interwoven into a number of vignettes which obliquely suggest that some of the doctors should have also looked at their motivations. Potentially more interesting than entertaining, this Victorian sexual history unfortunately lacks direction and an overall sense of purpose, and largely misses much of the real story – the treatment and mistreatment of the patients documented in these writings (Klaus Ming September 2013).