I had just about given up on my beloved childhood station of so many years when one day I ran across this show. My sister was watching it in our living room and I became curious and joined her. I immediately found myself laughing and caring for the characters.
The show centers around Ned, a junior high student who's considered somewhat of an expert on school survival. Every episode deals with the ways he and his friends, Cookie and Mose, must cope with evil science teachers, student rivalries, bullies, and anything else that may crop up.
The acting is phenomenal, the script is brilliant, and the tips and characters are true to life. Nearly every school has at least one of these people wandering the halls. This is also one of the only shows to center solely on school life. Ned's home life is strictly off limits, as is everyone else's, which makes for a focused show with no annoying subplots.
A solid 9.5/10 for me.