Years ago a comedy show was on called "Acropylos Now" that had Effie as one of the main stars of the show. She was rude, tough, took no crap, had an attitude and a mean streak... then in 2002 she goes and kills the character completely by doing this show where she just looks the same, but has no attitude, she's polite, she's friendly and she doesn't insult anyone.
The talk show was a complete rip-off of the UK show "Kumars and Number 42"... now, the idea to make an Australian version could have worked, they just changed the family from Indian to Greek. The show very well could have worked, but i think in the entire series there was only one put down, sort-of insult which came from the dopey brother asking a guy why he was British but still good at cricket. But that one line was not enough to save this badly, poorly written, poorly thought out, p!$$-weak of a show.
The family where stupid and not right for the part. The success of the Uk series comes with each character being entertaining, asking ridiculous but funny things, and hanging crap on the host. Where as this guaranteed bomb of a show had none of that, every time you expected a smart Aleck remark, there wouldn't be, every time you expected a come back, there wasn't one, when you expected a laugh, you where denied.
Congratulations to Mary Coustas for killing the Effie character... the show had potential, it could've worked if they did it right, but instead they only succeeded in a show that was guaranteed to bomb and be cancelled from the first episode.