This is a documentary about Australian gay men of Asian heritage come to terms with and deal with the fact that they belong to a "double minority".
I think that this documentary exposes a lot of true feelings and emotions. It talks about what it is like to be a minority, how it feels to be unwanted, low self esteem and poor self image. It is so raw with pain and helplessness that my heart aches. To figure out why they get rejected is painful enough, but to deal with the subsequent loneliness is even harder.
Another user has commented on the artistic value of the models between the interviews. For me, I interpret it as an Asian men initially wants to belong to the mainstream group so much that he would paint his face white. As time goes by, he discovers that being Asian isn't so bad after all, and hence he feels comfortable with himself and unwipes the white paint on his face. He becomes proudly Asian again. I think it is highly symbolic. As for the "drag queen", I also wonder about the role of this in the film. I think it could serve to contrast with the interviewees, that the Asian guys are in fact not like the drag queen portrayed.