The movie is a brief but entertaining depiction of the different personalities in the women that work as prostitutes who are in a perplexing scenario. They are both disgusted by the extremes they encounter with their customers, distraught by the unequal percentages they receive from the head mistress, and disappointed in the first place for having to sell their body. At the same time they are bound to their profession because it promises them a more secured and easier chance to buy their way out to a better life.
Most of the movies made with similar topic of prostitution end up with a flat out negative outlook which satisfy local moviegoers as most are conservative. But what about the unpopular liberal perspective? What is unique about the movie is that it attempts to show not just the bad side to a mean and an end but also the beneficial which could also yield good in a way. This is a brave move considering unfavourable reactions from religious groups are likely. It succeeds by being particular with the role of the head mistress (played by Raquel Villavicencio). By examining the character, you can spot the main idea of the story.
Mother Xedes is a serious business woman, edges her workers on percentages, can only provide the same kind of food over and over, and on top of that she exploits the women for profit. But on the other hand, she also takes good care of her women, feeds them enough (more than enough in one woman's case) gives them useful advice, shoulder their education, and she is contrite for carrying on this kind of business.
When it comes to the technical aspect of the movie, it is actually, like every Matti helmed movie, stylised with its production design and cinematography. An avid movie goer might recognize the influence of Wong Kar Wai's films (mostly from In the Mood for Love, release a year prior) on the look of the film and tackling of a troubled romance.
"Prosti" as a movie is very engaging with a balance of humor and drama. Unlike the sexy film image the poster and other advertisements would suggest, It is actually insightful on the topic of prostitution as it tries to give a balanced perspective, with both the good and the bad. The attempt ends up being refreshing and at the least, intriguing and thought provoking.